Directed by
Marie Dumora
From Forbach in France to New-York, Marie Dumora shoots the daily life of those who make Gipsy music.
Between a show at the Birdland in New-York and an other one in Copenhage, Samson Schmitt and Mike Reinhardt come back to their Forbach family and play music in theur garden between caravans and barbecues.
Among them, there is Rovelo Merstein, a neighbour, young musician and Samson and Mike’s fan.
The movie takes us at their shows, their recording sessions in studio and their family meetings in the Lorraine life.
Financial Partners
CNC - Avance sur recettes
CNC - Images de la diversité
CNC - Fonds d’aide à l’innovation
Région Lorraine, Région Alsace
Communauté Européenne de Strasbourg
En co-production avec Les Productions Balthazar