With love
Christophe Régin
While her career of pornographic actress starts to be on the decline, Lucie sees taking off the one of her boyfriend Franck, a talented racing driver. One day, she meets an unusual pet shop employee, who shares with her his passion for strange albino salamanders…
Lily Bloom, Sylvain Dieuaide, Guillaume Verdier, Marc Berman, Vincent Schimeti, Vincent Ozanon
Technical Crew
Director: Christophe Régin
Screenwriter: Christophe Régin
Producer: Sébastien Haguenauer
Director of photography: Julien Poupard
Script supervisor: Aurélia Fourcaud
Sound engineer: Vincent Verdoux
Costume designer: Marine Demoury
Production designer: Stéphanie Fortunato
Editor: Frédéric Baillehaiche
Sound editor: Nicolas Mas
Sound mixer: Gilles Benardeau
Festival selections
Lago Film Festival 2013
Financial Partners
CNC (contribution financière)
Région Aquitaine